Jacob Sindt

Jacob Sindt, Undergraduate student, Electrical Engineering

Engineers sensors for pollutants

“Jacob is working on the state of science environmental gas sensors that can be used to detect greenhouse gas emissions and a range of other pollutants… His research work ethic, quality of documentation, scientific creativity, and problem-solving ability is of the calibre of a junior graduate student.” – Fatima Toor, Lowell Battershell Chair in Laser Engineering

Hometown: Dubuque, IA
Faculty mentor/advisor: Dr. Fatima Toor
What is your degree program and expected graduate date? Electrical Engineering with a minor in mathematics, 2023
Please describe your research: My research focuses on the development of next generation portable Mid-Infrared volatile organic compound / greenhouse gas sensors.
In simple terms, why does this research matter? Satellite spectrometer data is inhibited in spatial resolution due to atmospheric conditions and locations of detection on Earth.  With the implementation of portable, high spatial and temporal resolution terrestrial sensors, the gaps within satellite emission data can be closed and conclusions on the climate changing emissions can better be drawn.
How soon after starting at the University of Iowa were you able to participate in research? I started my research career with the Toor lab in the beginning of my Sophomore year.
How has being involved in research made you more successful at the University of Iowa? Conducting research with the Toor lab has enabled me to get hands-on experience with the topics covered in lectures that would not normally be available.
What are your career goals and/or plans after graduation? My goal for after graduation is to continue my education in electrical engineering through an MS or PhD program.
Does your research have connections to or implications for COVID-19? Though my research does not have any direct connections to COVID-19, the Toor lab is conducting research into the development of COVID-19 biosensors.

Dubuque, IA

Banner location: Downtown—Ped Mall