Isabella Jimenez Rodriguez

Isabella Jimenez Rodriguez, Undergraduate student, neuroscience, biochemistry and molecular biology

Develops mental health tools for teens

Hometown: Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Faculty mentor: Ebonee Johnson, PhD, assistant professor, and Shannon Lea Watkins, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Community and Behavioral Health, College of Public Health
Degree program and anticipated graduation date: BS in neuroscience and BA in biochemistry and molecular biology (pre-med and honors), 2028

Isabella Jimenez Rodriguez became engaged in research at the University of Iowa in her junior year of high school. Currently, she is working with Ebonee Johnson to develop and implement a mental health curriculum for Iowa teens. The program consists of four modules that define mental health, emphasize coping mechanisms, explain the importance of fostering healthy social connections, and deliver strategies for supporting others. The project uses community-engaged, participatory research approaches to improve health and well-being for teens and young adults. In a second project, Jimenez Rodriguez works with Shannon Watkins to explore the portrayal of tobacco products on social media, particularly nicotine vaping on TikTok. She codes TikTok videos and has become involved in Watkins’ interview study in this area.

Jimenez Rodriguez plans to obtain MD and PhD degrees and pursue a career in neurology.

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