Mavis Gyesi, PhD student, higher education and student affairs
Examines barriers to higher education
Hometown: Ghana
Faculty mentor: Brian An, associate professor of higer education and student affairs, Department of Educational Policy and Leadership Studies, College of Education
Degree program and anticipated graduation date: PhD in higher education and student affairs
Mavis Gyesi aims to understand how disparities in the higher education system and limited opportunities impact the pathways of students from a range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds as they seek admission into college and navigate their time there. Her work emphasizes African students, both immigrants and international students. Gyesi’s research contributes to knowledge about college access, institutional practices, and policies that can reduce barriers to higher education access and success that affect a variety of students.
After graduation, Gyesi hopes to attain a postdoctoral fellowship and eventually become a faculty member whose research helps improve education policies and practices. She hopes to expand her focus on global education to serve students with varied cultural and linguistic backgrounds who are striving to succeed in U.S. higher education.
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