Seren Castellano, Undergraduate student, biology, anthropology
Uncovers evolution of sleep
Hometown: Des Moines, Iowa
Faculty mentor: Maurine Neiman, PhD, professor, Department of Biology, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Degree program and anticipated graduation date: BS in biology, BS in Anthropology, May 2026
Seren Castellano is evaluating if two species of New Zealand freshwater snails meet a set of behavior criteria designed to establish the presence of sleep in each of them. From these tests, the Neiman Lab team can better understand if snails exhibit the similar characteristics of sleep seen across a variety of species in the tree of life. Sleep is a fundamental biological process found in almost all complex organisms, but scientists know little about why it is so common and vital for survival. By studying these snails, which rely on ganglia instead of brains, the research team hope to provide greater insight to the evolution and function of sleep behavior.
Castellano plans to pursue a PhD, studying ancient DNA and anatomy in hominins and ancient civilizations.
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