Kayla Faust, Ph.D. student, Occupational and Environmental Health
Promotes farm safety
• What is your area of research or scholarship? The purpose of my dissertation research is to examine driving performance using a new, pc-based tractor driving simulator among farmers.
• In simple terms, why does this research matter? Among all the occupational industries in the US, the agricultural industry has the highest rate of fatal and nonfatal injuries. Because a majority of these are due to driving related incidents, it is important to understand the factors that contribute to crash risks among farm equipment operators, which can also have important implications for driver safety in general since many tractor-involved crashes occur on public roadways and have severe outcomes.
• What is your degree program and expected graduate date? Ph.D. in Occupational and Environmental Health with a focus on Occupational Injury Prevention.
• Expected graduation date: Spring 2019
• Hometown: Manchester, Iowa
• Faculty mentor/advisor: Carri Casteel
• What are your career goals? I am seeking a career where I can comprehensively address traffic and farming safety problems from exposure assessments to the development and evaluation of interventions.
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