Will Fuelberth, Undergraduate student, Physics and Astronomy, Mathematics
Builds small satellites
• What is your area of research or scholarship? I am conducting research in the Department of Physics and Astronomy where I am working with a team to build a small satellite to help answer fundamental questions about the universe.
• In simple terms, why does this research matter? Our satellite will be able to help answer several of NASA’s key science goals such as understanding the many phenomena and processes associated with galaxy formation and evolution. This project will also demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of CubeSats, or small satellites, for astrophysics research as CubeSats are relatively new and just recently starting to grow in popularity and availability.
• What is your degree program and expected graduate date? I am triple-majoring in physics, astronomy and mathematics and I plan to graduate in May of 2019.
• Hometown: Spirit Lake, Iowa
• Faculty mentor/advisor: Philip Kaaret
• What are your career goals? I plan to obtain a Ph.D. in astrophysics and after graduate school, I would like to conduct research in theoretical astrophysics, specifically general relativity, and teach at the university level.
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