Roya Green

Roya Green, JD student

Analyzes AI's ability to prevent war

Hometown: Tempe, Arizona
Faculty mentor: Brian Farrell, JD, LLM, associate professor of instruction, College of Law
Degree program and anticipated graduation date: Juris Doctor (JD), May 2025

Roya Green’s research focuses on the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to protect and save lives when used responsibly. She explores how AI can predict when and where conflicts will escalate into war and if peacekeepers and aid agencies should intervene before a situation turns into a humanitarian disaster. Green analyzes the risks of using AI in this manner and assesses proposals for establishing international regulations that would guide the use of AI to prevent war crimes and human rights violations. The findings of this work can help inform policymakers and organizations about best practices for implementing AI technologies while prioritizing human rights and humanitarian outcomes.

After graduation, Green hopes to pursue a master’s degree or certificate in AI and business and eventually work at the intersection of international and technology law.

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