Rey Franqui Machin, Ph.D. student, Molecular Medicine
Examines drug-resistant cancers
• What is your area of research or scholarship? My research is focused on understanding the mechanisms that generate resistance to chemotherapy in the blood cancer Multiple Myeloma and in my lab I use in vitro and in vivo and patient samples to address this question.
• In simple terms, why does this research matter? Everyone knows somebody affected by cancer and we still do not understand much of this prevalent and horrible disease. My research in Multiple Myeloma is necessary for future development of chemotherapeutic agents if we are to increase the quality of life of the patients as well as their prognosis.
• What is your degree program and expected graduate date? I am in the Molecular Medicine Ph.D.Program in the Department of Internal Medicine and I will graduate in May 2018
• Hometown: Juncos, Puerto Rico
• Faculty mentor/advisor: Dr. Fenghuang Zhan
• What are your career goals? After the completion of my Ph.D., I plan to continue my training in Law School, focusing on intellectual property law as well as scientific policy regulation. Ultimately, I hope to serve as liaison between science, business and law.
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