Clarissa Shaw

Clarissa Shaw, Ph.D. student, Nursing

Improves elder care

• What is your area of research or scholarship? My research area of interest is improving the care of older adults with dementia through utilization of person-centered communication.
• In simple terms, why does this research matter? Well-intentioned communication between health care personnel and persons with dementia can be exhibited in the form of elderspeak (i.e. baby talk) which can lead to resistiveness to care. Educating health care providers on person-centered communication can reduce negative outcomes for both patients and providers.
• What is your degree program and expected graduate date?: Spring 2020
• Hometown: Iowa City, IA
• Faculty mentor/advisor: Dr. Keela Herr and Dr. Victoria Steelman
• What are your career goals? After completing my Ph.D., I hope to work at a research-intensive university and find ways to improve and support dementia care.

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