Bethie Walker

Bethie Walker, Undergraduate student, biomedical sciences and neuroscience

Seeks disease treatments through diet

“Bethie is a busy scholar, and her goal is to earn her PhD and develop a career as a researcher. She is a double major, holds two jobs on campus in laboratories, and still finds time for activities with Gamma Rho Lambda and the Iowa Biosciences Academy.” -Mycah Kimble, Administrative Service Coordinator, Iowa Institute of Human Genetics

Dubuque, Iowa

Faculty mentor/advisor:
Terry Wahls, MD, clinical professor of internal medicine, Carver College of Medicine

What is your degree program and anticipated graduation date?
Bachelor’s in biomedical sciences and neuroscience – May 2024

Please describe your research:
In the Wahls Lab, I am studying the effects of diet and lifestyle on the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis. How do different diets compare in changing the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis? How do dietary changes compare to the effects of current drugs that are currently used to manage symptoms?

In simple terms, why does this research matter?
Millions of people around the world are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. There is no known cause of multiple sclerosis, and there is no known cure. Providing a method of reducing the symptoms that these people live with daily that is easy to access would change lives.

How soon after starting at the University of Iowa were you able to participate in research?
One semester

How has being involved in research made you more successful at the University of Iowa?
It has helped me figure out what I want to do after graduation and helped connect me with people in related fields.

What are your career goals and/or plans after graduation?
Attend grad school for a PhD in neuroscience.

Dubuque, Iowa

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