Sadjad Anzabi Zadeh

Sadjad Anzabi Zadeh, PhD student, business analytics

Personalizes medication dosage with AI

“In addition to being a highly intelligent, multidisciplinary researcher, Sadjad is also an outstanding colleague, taking leadership roles that improve the academic environment for himself and his peers.” -Nick Street, Tippie Children Professor in Business Analytics

Hometown: Tehran, Iran

Faculty mentor/advisor: Nick Street, PhD, Tippie Children Professor in Business Analytics; Barrett Thomas, PhD, Gary C. Fethke Research Professor in Business Analytics; Tippie College of Business

What is your degree program and expected graduate date? PhD in business analytics, 2023

Please describe your research: We want to utilize the power of artificial intelligence to make better dosing protocols for warfarin, a prescription anticoagulant (blood thinner). In this process, we need to experiment with different doses of warfarin on different patients. To avoid jeopardizing patients’ health, we use mathematical models to simulate patients’ response to the medication. Finally, we produce the final dosing protocol in a transparent and explainable way to reassure patients and doctors of its safety.

In simple terms, why does this research matter? Warfarin is being used by millions of patients all around the world. It affects blood’s ability to clot indirectly, which means there are risks associated with its use. Our approach could produce more individualized dosing protocols tailored to each patient’s characteristics and reduce the risks.

How soon after starting at the University of Iowa were you able to participate in research? The second semester of my first year was the time that I started my preliminary research.

How has being involved in research made you more successful at the University of Iowa? A major component of the PhD is research. Through research, I have gained knowledge, learned skills, and have prepared myself for the market.

What are your career goals and/or plans after graduation? I intend to pursue a career in research by joining a research group in industry or a higher ed institution.

Tehran, Iran

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