Dare to Protect the Environment

Jerry Schnoor, Ph.D.
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Allen S. Henry Chair in Engineering
Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health
Co-Director, Center for Global & Regional Environmental Research
Faculty Research Engineer, IIHR — Hydroscience & Engineering
College(s): Engineering
In his 40 year career at the University of Iowa, Jerry Schnoor cultivated evidence-based scholarship to equip decision makers with unbiased, common sense environmental solutions for Iowans and people all over the world. In 1990, Schnoor co-founded the Center for Global and Regional Environmental Research (CGRER) which promotes interdisciplinary scholarship on the many aspects of global environmental change including effects on natural ecosystems, environments, and resources, and effects on human health, culture, and social systems. Schnoor has served on numerous boards and committees, most recently in 2012 when he served as chair of the Committee on Science for EPA’s Future. From 2003-2014, he was the editor of the bimonthly peer-reviewed scientific journal Environmental Science & Technology, published since 1967 by the American Chemical Society.
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